Measurements in medical imaging

We’ve created and continue to develop algorithms for extracting valuable data from medical images various modalities.

Take advantage of our know-how and capabilities to create customized solutions that will give you the quantitative data you need.

Extraction and measurement of quantitive data from medical images

The bespoke algorithms we’ve been developing for our clients are designed to meet particular needs and requirements. They are able to measure and analyze as well as provide valuable quantitative data. This technology can be used to detect any lesion, for any internal anatomical structure of a single patient.

Lesions on scans detection

Detection of a single lesion on a scan, as well as multiple parts of a larger lesion.

Measure lesions by set criteria

Evaluation of measurable lesion according to a predefined requirements.

Timed lesion detection

Lesions detection in time – detection of new lesions on a follow up scan.

Beyond standard criteria

Evaluation of patient response to treatment also outside standard criteria.


Medical image segmentation with machine learning

Our solutions based on machine learning automatise the segmentation process. The models we worked on contour organs and detect as well as localize structures within organs on various types of examinations.

Segmentation based on our deep learning method:

  • is precise and fast, provides repeatable results as well as enables extraction of measurable features of anatomical structures and lesions
  • has achieved an accuracy of more than 90% (Sørensen-Dice coefficient of roughly 0.9) [1] 
  • is characterized by effectiveness proven in many prestigious global AI challenges (such as BraTS and FeTS)
  • can be embedded into existing solutions

Let’s work on your challenges together!

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Let’s work on your challenges together!

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